There are verious type of Memberhip. First Registration Fee to be paid to the Bank account details hich is given below, and then the online registration fillup with the below Registration link.
i. Life Member: ₹ 5000/- (One time Payment)
ii. General Member: ₹ 1000/- (Yearly: valid till 31st December of the year)
iii. Student Member: ₹ 500/- (Once for Student-Ship: Any Student upto Master Degree can be a student member. )
iv. Associate Member: ₹ 1000/- (validity is 5 Years, after this period,may apply for a full Member)
Details of Membership of Subscriptions:
i. Life Member: Minium age is 50 Years and Education qualification should be minimum Bachelor Degree from Engineering background or minimum Master Degree from Science / Managment bacground. For this membership one time fee is ₹5000/- only .
ii. General Member: For this membership fee is ₹ 1000/- only and validity of membership is till 31st December. The renew for the membership 01st January to 15st January
iii. Student Member: Education qualification will be minimum Bachelor Degree form Engineering bacground upto Master Degree form Engineering / Science / Managment bacgroundone. The Membership fee ₹ 500/- only and validity of membership is till 31st December. The renew for the membership 01st January to 15st January
iv. Associate Member: The Education qualification will be minimum Bachelor Degree other then Engineering bacground or Master Degree form any Background and pay ₹ 1000/- only and validity of membership is till 31st December. The renew for the membership 01st January to 15st January and after 5 year Associate Member can apply as a Life Member.
Bank Account details where registration fee to be deposited:
Account Name: Applied Computer Technology
Account Number: 35532552072
IFS Code: SBIN0001404
Account Type: Current
Address: 1, B.T.Road, Kolkata-700058, West Bengal, India
Registration for the Memberhip:- Click here for Registration to get the Memberhip
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Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata,West Bengal,India. email: Mobile: +91-8420582707, +91-8240120380
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