International Association of Science, Technology and Management"
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Email: info@iastm.in

Visitors: Web Hits

About Us:

IASTM is a non profit association of Scientists, Professors, Engineers and the Managers. It has been regularly organizing workshops, Technical Lectures and seminars on current topics in Science and Engineering. This organization provides technical sponsorships to different conferences, seminars and symposiums. The goal is to facilitate Knowledge sharing among the professionals of Science , Engineering and Managements.

Aim and Objective:

As a professional organization, harvesting knowledge, continuous collaboration with high quality institutes, improvements of processes for furnishing research activities etc. would be the main objective of this organization.


Memberships are of different levels:

Life Member: (for 20 years maximum is the tenure of Life Membership.)

Executive Members:(in each year membership should be renued.)

Associate Members: (tenure is of three years)

Student Members:(any studet upto Master Degree)

Micro2018 Inaugural Session
Micro2018 Inaugural Session, in Bhubaneswar, Odisha,India.


Webpage is developed by:

Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata,West Bengal,India.
email: info@actsoft.org
Mobile: +91-8420582707, +91-8240120380
Website: www.actsoft.org